Government Digital Service

Connecting Government 2030: A Digital and ICT Strategy for Ireland's Public Service sets out an approach to deliver digital government for all, benefitting both society and the broader economy. The Public Service in Ireland must harness digitalisation to drive a step-change in how people, businesses, and policy makers interact, ensuring interoperability across all levels of government and across public services. We must ensure that in digitalising our public services we take a “user first” and “business first” approach. As a key reform initiative of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, delivering on Connecting Government 2030 will help achieve these ambitions. It will also drive the wider GovTech priorities as well as bring significant public value benefits.

Connecting Government 2030 sets out a framework within which all public service organisations can deliver their own digital commitments focussed on the targets set out in the Digitalisation of Public Services dimension of the national digital strategy, Harnessing Digital - The Digital Ireland Framework. It also aligns with the targets set out in Civil Service Renewal 2030 as well as addressing digital targets set by the EU. The strategy will carry forward the GovTech 2019 Priority Action Plan and incorporates specific actions from the Programme for Government. Connecting Government 2030 specifically replaces the previous Public Service ICT Strategy and eGovernment Strategy 2017-2020. It will also act as an umbrella strategy for actions across a number of other related government policies and strategies thereby ensuring an overall coordinated and integrated approach to their delivery.